Tuesday 9 August 2011

#149 Importance of recycling

Saving Resources
A pretty commonsense argument in favor of recycling. It is always good to reuse metal items as the metal reserves may be depleting. Even the metal object which you think is woefully useless and rusted, can be revamped and resold, and you can hardly tell the difference. The importance of recycling paper, like I said, is that it can help save our forests.

Saving Energy
Confused? Recycling materials not only saves resources, but can also help save energy. When we throw out something we have labeled useless, we throw out a processed product. Suppose you have a rusty, broken door knob. There was obviously some time, energy and people involved in the process that made processed metal and turned it into a doorknob. By simply recycling it or make some basic fixes to it, we save all the energy that would have been consumed in the process of making it. Same with plastic items. A lot of energy can be saved by simply reusing the plastic items.

Reduce Pollution
How does recycling affect the environment? Simple. Let me take an example to elucidate the importance of recycling plastic. Now say everyone decides not to recycle plastic. Then the plastic-making factories will be running full steam ahead. And by steam I mean smoke. If the production increases, the air pollution too will increase. And the factories that have not invested in a pro-environment waste disposal system will ruin our atmosphere. These who have liquid waste emissions without a waste water treatmentt system, will cause water verdana. Hence indirect as it may seem, if recycling helps cut down our production, it will help reduce emissions as well. Read on for more about plastic recycling.

* Copied from www.buzzle.com :)

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