Pesta Pantun was been held in the school hall on Thursday, 31March2011, at 9.20a.m. This 'pesta pantun' was against SMK Sultanah Bahiyah and Sek Men Sains Pokok Sena. This event has been running succesfully for at about 2hours with the present of some wise Judge, a loyal Timekeeper and the invited guests.While waiting for the judge to calculate the score at the end of the resistance, two students of Bahiyah from form 4 and 5 made a performance. They submitted poems which is full of hidden meaning in front of the audience. Fifteen minutes later, the Counsel had announced the school that become Overall Champion. Guess what? Bahiyah win against Saina! Wah well done mate :D! After it had been announced, The principal and the Key people then give out the present to all 'Pantun' participants. Alhamdullilah and congratulations to all participants for their spirit. Lets Pray for Bahiyah's students to become more successful after this. Amin.
- End - :D * By Teng *
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