| My mother whose eyes were strained By a sadness that stained her eyes With grey and blue hue
My mother who never blew Out candles on a birthday cake
My mother who never knew The thrills of flying in an airplane
My mother who forever threw Her pearls to swine
My mother who knew No contentment in living
My who mother never lived To be even seventy two
My mother who it is true Stopped living long before she died
My mother from whose mouth flew Words of disappointment and fury
My mother whose lips Tasted bitter tears
My mother sat impatiently In sorrow through her years
My mother who was tamed By my father
My mother who was captured by my father
My mother who fought with my father The two them struggling false teeth piercing each others flesh
My mother who my father told to go and cook the mint
My mother who would beat us and cause wounds and bruises to our skin
My mother who love to walk about
My mother who gave a toe A day away
My mother who kiked with her stump of a leg after she lost her foot
My mother who was a great dresser
My mother who could sing Sang on the church choir
My mother who would be at the front of the church earliest every Saturday My mother who insisted I be baptized and save by the holy ghost
My mother had beautiful handwriting My mother who had nine children for five different men
My mother who tried to settle down with my father
My mother who could never swim
My mother who loved to sing
My mother who would tie us up on leashes and take us for long walks through the town
My mother who sought out hand me-downs – for our clothing
My mother who was active in the Welfare Society at church so she could cream the crop for her family.
My mother who instigated many a conflicts with her numerous friend was left with only a few in the end.
My mother whom I so wanted to help evolve
My mother who I helped to live
My mother who I had to let die
My mother who lives in me
Sources : Google |
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