It is very important to exercise. Exercise is important because it can keep you in shape and will improve your health for the better. Many studies have shown that regular activities and exercise can improve someones overall health substantially. Exercise reduces the risk of heart disease, stroke, certain cancers, and high blood pressure. Exercise can also help you to maintain healthy bones, muscles, and joints. Sports competitors must do physical activity on a regular basis to maintain their level of performance because it is necessary to train the body to be able to withstand physical activity.
Along with physical activity comes weight loss. Weight loss can improve the meantal well-being and boost the confidence of any particular person. Also, studies have shown that people who exercise on a regular basis tend to live longer than those who don't. With all of these benefits in mind, i'm not sure why anyone wouldn't want to be physically fit and active! Try exercising a minimum of 3-4 days a week. Exercising includes walking, running, jogging, painting, biking, and there are plenty of other activities to try as well. My advice would be to pick something you enjoy doing and wouldn't mind doing on a regular basis and sticking to a schedule. You can even pick a few different activities to mix things up and keep it interesting. In weight training most people will work different muscle groups on different days in order to best work their body without over-doing it. This also saves time during the day because instead of working out for 3-5 hours in one day you can workout for an hour a day 3-5 days a week. It spreads out the exercise so you don't get sick of it and dread going. Also, your body will respond better because you will not be putting too much stress on yourself. Also, always stretch before physical activity! This is very important so that you do not pull or strain any muscles. Most importantly, to maintain a healthy body you must stay ACTIVE! :D
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